Welcome to the Titan Project Blog!


What will we write?

This is the challenge of a blog, is it not? How about we start with defining what a blog is. If you are anything like me, you have not really ever known what a blog actually is. The word blog come from a shortened form of weblog and is generally speaking (or writing) is an online journal or informational website displayed in posts with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. So what are we going to write about with Titan Project? I am glad you ask because that is what our first blog post is going to try to clarify. So lets get started and jump right in!

1. Physiotherapy Related Content:

As you may have guessed, as a team of registered physiotherapists, we are going to write about a variety of physiotherapy-related content. This content will include many topics such as injuries (and injury prevention), pain management, discussions on physiotherapy techniques (and the pros and cons of these), strength and conditioning and more. If you have a physiotherapy related question please feel free to send us an email under our contact page and your question may become a blog post!


2. Mindset:

With working in the rehabilitation world for nearly a decade, you get to meet 1000’s of different people and get to observe how each respond to a variety of conditions. Over this time, you gain a lot of insight in that injury recovery is much more complex than the physiology of that injury—it is not as simple as promoting growth and recovery of tissues. One of the key aspects of good recovery is the mindset of the individual. Mindset covers a myriad of different topics and is of vital importance in every aspect of your life whether dealing with a physical injury, mental health condition, and even your own financial health. Many of our blog posts will be directly written about a variety of mindset topics, or will at the very least be in the background. At Titan Project we believe that your mindset is a backbone in helping you meet your goals in your life and we want to arm you with the best tools to help you reach your potential.


3. Health and Wellness:

Titan Project will provide resources that help to improve the health and wellness of individuals and, ultimately, branch into our community (locally and online) and beyond. Health and wellness is a huge topic, so it can be helpful to break it down a little to try and understand some of the key components. One way to conceptualize health and wellness is to break it into pillars much like those seen in the ancient Greek temples. Each pillar represents a key component of a persons health and wellness. The key pillars typically include physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, and financial. If you have a look at the individual pillars it is easy to see that they often tie together to each other. For example, social well being is going to have a big impact on our emotional well being. Another example, is that our physical well being can be directly related to our nutritional well being. The idea of the pillars is that each area of health is linked but also that having a deficit in a single pillar may not always be outwardly apparent at first glance. To bring it back to our building analogy, if one pillar is broken the whole building does not necessarily come crashing down. However, as multiple pillars become damaged, they tend to start to pull each other down and this is when a building can collapse. This can also occur to an individual but can move up into community level. The challenge is that as health declines, it can become difficult to identify the key factors that have caused the collapse—it becomes more and more difficult to pick out the pillars that caused the fall. Many of our future blog posts will explore different aspects of health and wellness and hopefully help you to discover and learn about yourself to help you grow and meet your own potential.


In summary, our blog plans to cover a wide variety of topics to help you become your best self. Remember, we also plan to have educational videos that will be posted on our YouTube channel so stay tuned for those. Thank you for supporting Titan Project and remember if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below.


Voluntary Discomfort: Why you should choose to do hard things